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Monday, August 3, 2009

Bless This Final Day--a Tribute to Anne Boleyn

Hi! It's Galaxy again after an age-long posting break... I'm just not as into blogging as I used to be. Anyways, the reason I'm posting is because I'm obsessed with a certain woman from history called Anne Boleyn.
I'm facinated with her, and I think she was a good person who led a very tragic life from the information I have. I've been searching for a book about her, recently found one (The Lady in the Tower) and decided to write a poem about her sad tale. It's nothing epic, but here, read it and see what you think. Please, please, please comment your opinion!

Bless This Final Day
A Tribute to Anne Boleyn

There was a day,
I loved a man,
Gentle and Kind,
There was a day,
The man loved me,
And swore to be mine,

There was a day,
When Jealous Man,
Took mine away,
There was a day,
When Jealous Man,
Dearest love did He say,

There was a day,
When I was strong,
Before He led me astray,
There was a day,
Before hope was gone,
That I turned Him away,

“Pray find another, if you can,
Leave alone now loveless Anne.”

Accurse that blasted day.

There was a day,
Where I did run,
Away from Court and King,
To country home,
To be alone,
From the Man who so hunts me,

There was a day,
That He held fast,
I was now a newfound task,
And as hard as I would try and plea,
He would not turn from me,

There was a day,
When I gave way,
As He led me astray,
There was a day,
Before hope was gone,
That I accepted His love-say

“Pray, stay, if you can,
Stay with e’er faithful Anne…”

Accurse that blasted day.

There was a day,
When I was His,
But my own love,
I could not give,
There was a day,
I was with He,
For the love He promised me,

There was a day,
When He grew bored,
With the maid I was,
There was a day,
He turned away,
From the one He once dreamed of,

There was a day,
When I was wise,
After He led me astray,
My mind could not wrap around,
That the reason He once could love me,
Then not, could not be found,

“Pray explain, if you can,
Why betray your faithful Anne?”

Accurse that blasted day.

There was a day in my great fury,
I screamed atop my lungs,
There was a day,
When Faithless Man,
Knew he was done,

There was a day,
When Faithless Man,
Found another bride,
There was a day,
When his adultery,
He did no longer hide,

There was a day,
When I could fight,
I tried to win Him out,
There was a day,
He locked me away,
And I could do ought but shout,

“Pray, tell me, if you can,
Why leave your faithful Anne?”

Accurse that blasted day.

There was a day,
That Faithless Man,
Locked me in the Dark,
There was a day,
When I would think,
Of the man who first took my heart…

“Pray, forgive me, if you can,
You still have love from stolen Anne.”

Now is the day,
At last, today,
Of my own last breath,
All I ask is to remember my life,
And pray for my swift death.

Pray for me, if you can,
Pray for your doomed Anne…

Bless this, my final day.

Thanks for reading!


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