I have an announcement to make...
As you know, if you are a regular reader of my blog, for over a year (maybe even two, I'm not sure) I've been working on a book called 'King of Darkness: The Reigning Night'. Well, today, April 17th, 2009, I have finished my first draft of the book.
At first I was just typing... I'd made a pact with myself that I would finish this book soon, right after I got this one adventure out of the way. But there was this sentence, this one sentence that one of my characters said that I just didn't know where to go from from there. It was so complete, I didn't know what to type next, even though I had a vague idea of what I wanted to happen. And it was then I told Mommy about it, and she asked what the sentence was (and no, I'm not going to tell you what it is (and no, it's not that great, I'm just all excited about it because the first draft is done, it really isn't that fabulous)--you'll just have to BUY THE BOOK, MWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!), and she said,
"Why don't you just end it there?"
And it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I could just end it there! That one sentence, that one sentence could be the last I'll ever type in that story! I just started screaming and I tell you, if I didn't have arthritis I would have jumped and danced. Instead I just rung my hands... oh, thank you god.
Of course, it's not done done, I've just finished my first draft, and I've got a lot of editing to do. I also wanted to get a map drawn of Glorsifil (the mythical continent I made up for this all to take place in) and illustrations done, but after that... We even found a place where I can publish it all, and if everything goes well, I might actually get it done before Christmas, just like I wanted! I'm so happy!
The funny thing is, once this is all done and over with, I'm going to start working on Kings of Darkness: A Glimmer of Light (the next book in the series) immediately. And the cycle will start all over...
Anyways, I'm just so so happy I had to post!
P.S. I do plan to post about Easter, but I'll probably be working on K.o.D. for a while, and I'm going over to Nana's house for the weekend, so don't expect it too soon.
This Blog Is Dead
Hey there.
So in case you haven't noticed this blog is pretty much dead. I'm starting
up a new one here if you're interested in keeping up with me through ...
10 years ago
Congratulations, Galaxy!
Simply awesome...and you will do it!
Oh, Galaxy, maybe you want to change that thing on your side bar...it says you're on page 155...
Oops! Thanks for letting me know, Froggy! And thank you so much for your support, Persimmon!
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