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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Raise the Veil

Well, I seem to be writing a lot of poetry of late. Here's another I wrote entitled Raise the Veil. I hope you like it!

Raise the Veil
Throbbing pain,
Is like a veil,
Slowly it will ruin me,
I must let the pain prevail,

Burning pain,
Filling my soul,
So much pain
I lose control

Forever pain,
Is taking me,
Closing my eyes—
It won’t let me see

Angry pain,
Won’t let me go,
So much pain,
You’ll never know,

Aching pain,
That holds me tight,
Throbbing my hands,
And blurring sight,

Endless pain,
Hot and cruel,
My enslaver,
That fiery fuel,

Pain with movement,
Locks my dreams,
Keeps them away,
By darker means,

Monstrous pain,
Eating at me,
Holding me captive,
It won’t set me free

All my pain
Is like a veil
I shall not let,
The pain prevail,
I will not let it,
Take my dreams
I will stop it,
By whatever means

And it will be there,
Hot and cruel,
But I will gain,
My own control,

I will not let it,
Ruin me,

Now raise the veil—
And let me see!

Thanks for reading! Please, please, please, please, please comment!



nadine said...

Awesome are very gifted!!
Hang in there, with the help of your family & Dr. Fuhrman & the prayers of others (myself included), you will get better!!
Keep up all the hard work, it will pay off some day!

Galaxy said...

Thank you! It's wonderful to hear my work appreciated!
Thank you for your support... I'm a very fortunate young lady to have so many people there for me!
I will, you have no doubt on that!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful poem, sweetheart. I was just diagnosed with RA too and know the pain all too well. Praying that you'll see some relief soon.

Galaxy said...

Thank you. I hope you feel better too... no one deserves to suffer so much. Thanks for your prayers and for wishing me well. It feels so wonderful to know there are so many others out there hoping the best for me. I'll pray for you as well.

just me said...

Nice poem!

Jessica B said...

In response to the comment you left on my blog: Thanks for taking an interest in my book! I'm very into paranormal, and my book is about a vampire assassin and vampires. When you put it as simply as I just have, it sounds really boring, but hopefully it will be good. It's called Assassin.

And by the way, your poem is very good! I usually am not a fan of poetry, but I really enjoyed reading yours-I mean that. Keep up the good work!


Galaxy said...

Cool! Good luck--I hope it turns out great!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it.

Froggy said...

Have fun writing poetry!

Galaxy said...

I will!

Galaxy said...

If anyone ever looks here again, I just wanted to thank everyone for all of their wonderful comments. It means a lot to me!


Froggy said...


Alternicity said...

I like it, as a poem.
I hope you find a way to manage your pain :)

I tap mine for motivation.

Galaxy said...

Thank you, for your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it!