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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Poem Without a Name

Well, I just felt like sharing this poem I wrote up recently. Do tell me what you think.

Capture me,
Torture me,
Break me and bend,

Haunt me,
Taunt me,
Tear me and then,

Darkly stultify,
My worth in the world,
But hard as you’ll try,
Whatever you’ve heard,

Forever and always,
Unlike muscle and bone,
That can be robbed,
My soul is my own,

Endanger me,
Anger me,
Hurt and make grief,

Deal with me,
Steal from me,
Call me the thief,

Try as you might,
Do what you will,
In day or night,
Constant and still,

You can end my existence,
Take my control,
But one thing I won’t give—
You can’t steal my soul

Try me,
Lie to me,
Take all my loves,

Fight me,
Slight me,
Lock what I’ve dreamed of,

But whatever you say,
Whatever you do,
Now and all days,
This will be true:

You can break my body,
With a lucky roll,
But never, ever,
Will you have my soul

Thanks for reading!


Friday, January 15, 2010

My Boys Are So Cute

I was playing with Brother1&2 earlier today, and eventually I was done playing. Brother1 was upset, so I gave him a hug. Brother2 got jealous, and wanted me to hold him. Anyhow, they both started fighting over me, brutally. It was so sweet (in a twisted kind of way)!

Later, Brother1 was sitting on my lap and said,

"What's that day called?"
"What day?" I asked.
"The day where you give."
"The day where you give thanks."
"It's called thanksgiving, sweetheart!"

Oh, my--I love my boys!


Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Three Scariest People In the World

Hello, everyone!

Today I am posting about the three scariest people in the world—or at least the three scariest people in the world to me. Here they are, in order of most frightening (the scariest first, least scary last):

Jonathon Teatime
(pronounced teh-ah-tim-eh)

A fictional assassin from a book by Terry Pratchett called Hogfather and a movie by the same name. He is a villain that is... so creepy. He makes chills run down my spine, and when I walk down the halls at night I always check for him and that devil-quick knife of his. He's cheerful, and has this way of moving faster than the eye. First he's behind you, then in front of you, then... anywhere. No words can really describe how terrifying I find him. I’ve had nightmares of him. Literally!

Yet at the same time, he is hysterical in both book and movie (while being more frightening than anything... odd combo, eh?) and makes some of the funniest comments throughout (though a few Death—not the state of being, the anthropomorphic personification—makes definitely beat him). I'm glad I've seen/read the story/movie, in fact they’re some of my favorites, but... he’s so terrifying!!!


(or Gabriel Gray)

This fear is from the television show Heroes. You might know the actor as Spock from Star Trek, but before that he was Sylar, a psychokiller with super-powers who goes around killing other people with super powers in the most brutal ways and stealing their powers. His natural power is to see when things are broken, see how to fix them, and have the need to know. He was a watch maker/fixer before he… started killing people.

I'm more afraid of Teatime, but I'd much rather be killed by him than Sylar. With Teatime you see him, then in a flash you’re dead. Or you don't even see him. Or you drive him in a coach to the Tooth Fairy's castle and then he kills you. Either way, it's (usually—or rather, if you aren’t a dog or a maid or a butler before his superior told him his way of working ‘lacked elegance’) quick and clean. Not so with Sylar—he's brutal.

Dear Sister After You’ve Messed With (sometimes including looking at) Her Stuff

(she wouldn’t let me take a picture of her. Just imagine a beautiful, pale-faced girl with huge brown eyes open really, really wide and her lips pursed and her face glaring at you with a fire you’d only imagine in the depths of the most fiery pits of eternal damnation, yet still with the coldness of the darkest, snowiest winter, wrapping your soul and very being with ice)

Yep, my best friend, my dear love, my baby sister is one of my greatest fears. It's not the glare that's scary—it’s what comes after it!

Well, there you go; my three greatest fears in life (in the form of people, at least). Who are yours?


Monday, January 4, 2010

Project 6-1-2 (and a happy new year while I'm at it)

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope your 2009 was filled with moments of joy and love. I know mine was (though I still wish this awful arthritis would quit picking on me ;-D). My resolution for this year is to publish A book. ANY of my books, and not necessarily King of Darkness, as it looks like I'm going to do some major changes on how I'm going to go about writing it, and it won't be done for a long time. There are some shorter stories (that aren't series!) I'm working on, though, so I plan to publish one of them before I turn fifteen.

Okay, now that that's over with, I can move on to what I really want to post about: PROJECT 6-1-2!!!

If you know me well, you know I love to write (as much as I hate it. But that's the way writing goes--it's a love/hate relationship) with a passion that runs down deep into my soul and heart. I love creating new worlds, I love meeting and shaping and growing characters and I love each and every one of them--even, in a way, the villains. You can't understand how much joy it brings me to know all the worlds and people I've created.
Anyhow, I have lots of really cool premises and starts, but I have troubles pulling them through. I was complaining to Mom about this one day when I came up with a particularly cool premise, and she told me just to write it. I told her I really had no idea where to start and had nothing to write. She told me:
"Then write the nothing--but if all you do is sit and think about how you never finish anything you never will. Just write it." (there was more to it, but it was over a week ago so I'm having troubles remembering it)
Yep, I've got a really awesome and inspirational mother, and I am so grateful to her, because if she hadn't told me those words I wouldn't have the 'nothing' I've been working on for the past week or so: Project 6-1-2.

I normally write fantasy, but this particular story is a sci-fi. Here's a back-of-the-case description:

In the year 2030, when near 18-year-old Emma Corte begins to have terrible nightmares of murder, mayhem, and a mysterious assassin, she also begins to notice differences in her abilities--since when could she defeat five trained men with her bare hands?
Meanwhile, in another world, Destin, the chief of security of a mysterious land called 'Arrivia', and his assistant, Argon, attempt to unravel the mystery of a string of murders, which is mysteriously linked to Emma Corte and the long abandoned, terrible accident of Project 6-1-2.

It's got plot twists, and mysteries, and villains, and though it's mostly black and white, there is a little bit of gray. It'd be soooooo cool if I could ever get this made into any kind of movie--I really think it'd make at least a somewhat enjoyable watch if it was done right.
The really amazing thing about this script is that it only took me seven days to write it--SEVEN DAYS! I am so, so proud of it, and I love all of my characters so much. Here are the main four it revolves around:

Destin: The calm, cool and calculating Constable of Arrivia, Destin is brilliant, even
by Arrivial standards. He has worked hard and long to reach his position and is proud of his achievements, even if he doesn't show it. Good at putting his emotions out of the equation, he rules with head--sometimes drowning out his heart.
Argon: Argon is the assistant of Destin and is much more aggressive than his cool counterpart. Strong, gruff and sarcastic, he has acute instincts and prefers to leap before he looks--when Destin isn't policing him. Despite their many differences and verbal clashes, Argon looks up to his superior and holds great respect for him.
Emma: Though Emma spends most of the movie confused and frantic, she is more naturally calm and soft-spoken when the world isn't falling apart around her. Strong and kind, Emma trusts her instincts and heart to guide her way.
Enden: Enden is an assassin, and has no one in the world save himself. For someone capable of such dark acts, one would be surprised to learn that he is pleasant company, naturally friendly and easily brought to laughter when around--even if sometimes this nature can be terribly unnerving. An expert in martial arts and knife throwing, he is far more cunning than one might first guess from his light demeanor.

Of course there are a few side characters, but this is the main quartet who dominate the screen in my script. I love them all and had so much fun writing them that I had to share this with you, so I hope it didn't bore you to tears.

Thank you for reading!
(oh, and happy new year again!)
