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Sunday, November 1, 2009

BOOM!--a Dream Post

I was in our back yard, then this silver, round-edged box fell from the sky. It was very large, around four times the size of a smallish TV. There was a screen on one edge with numbers counting down, but I wasn't fully aware of them. The beeping, however was very prominent.

Then Daddy was next to me, and he said the Chinese had dropped a bomb--the silver box. We just had the bad luck of having the backyard it landed in. Not that that makes a difference.

All the sudden Dad was gone, and it was like he had never been there. I started freaking out... I really didn't want to die; which was kind of surprising, since normally I don't fear death. I guess when you're facing it it's a little different.

So I ran; there's a door in my fence and that's the way I went. I hadn't gone two feet outside it when I remember that Dear Sister was still inside, and how could I possibly leave without her? I turned back, feeling terribly guilty and frightened. And then it was like she had never been there.

I really didn't know what to do... finally, I just curled up in a ball, my face in our grass. So I closed my eyes, my face in soft, green grass and prepared to die. I really thought it was real. It just felt so real. And then...

It stopped ticking.

I would love to end my post like that; it sounds so dramatic and cool. I'd love to tell you how I felt dieing, but I can't--because that's all that happened. It stopped ticking--and nothing happened!

Then I woke up.

I just had to post this because it was so... real. I really thought I was going to die. I was hoping that maybe someone would know what it means. The only thing I can think of is that I'm freaking out about something that is no big deal; making a mountain out of a mole hill... that sort of thing.

It's good to be alive!



Froggy said...

Oh my! That must have been scary. Isn't it nice though to wake up and have everything be alright?

Galaxy said...

Tell me about it!

Galaxy said...

Oh, you bet it is!

Froggy said...


Froggy said...

Oh, and Galaxy...remember how last Halloween, you couldn't post the pictures of your Anne Boleyn costume because Rose was in them and she wanted you to wait or something? She posted her pictures, right? (Hint hint!) Sorry, I suppose I should have forgotten by now. :)

Galaxy said...

Good idea, Froggy! I'll do those ASAP.

Froggy said...

Yay! Thanks!

The word verification thing says "cocatime", which sounds close to "cocoa time", don't you think? :)

Froggy said...

I mean it LOOKS like it...