There's a whole Galaxy of stuff on the right, don't be scared to explore it!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Blog Header Experimentation

So I've finally decided to add a header... I've been thinking about it for quite some time, but only just got around to doing it. Unfortunately, the image doesn't quite make it across the screen, so I'm gonna have to work on that a bit. Someday, it'll be perfect, but for now, expect many fluctuations.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know!!!



persimmon said...

is that the shirt i got you? looks great

persimmon said...

oh but I like your header lots...very cute and happy.

Froggy said...

There's no way to get the "Galaxy: and you thinks it's so big" bit to the left, is there?

Froggy said...

Because I sort of like the way you have it in this post, how the "Galaxy" is over to the right, and so it's shorter. But I guess that wont work...


Froggy said...

Oh! Now it's the way it is in this post! I like it that way. :)

Galaxy said...

Glad you all like it! Did you see my book-blog header?

Froggy said...

No! I'll go look right away!
