Now it's time for Wednesday Wishes! Sorry I missed so many!
- I wish time didn't pass quite so fast.
- I wish that I will live for 253 years! (and more)
- I wish that planning the week meals was fun.
- I wish that I could see my friends more often.
- I wish I could have gone to Gym Day today... oh well...
- I wish I could sing beautifully.
- I wish I could get some inspiration on K.o.D..
- I wish that Inkdeath (the third in the Ink series by Cornelia Funke) was in my hands right now!!!
- I wish that I had Dark Whispers (the third in the Unicorn Chronicles by Bruce Coville--a most wonderful author) in my hands right after I finished reading Inkdeath.
- I wish that I will have a most wonderful life... I'm doing pretty good on fulfilling that wish so far :)