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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday Wishes #8

Now it's time for Wednesday Wishes! Sorry I missed so many!

  1. I wish time didn't pass quite so fast.
  2. I wish that I will live for 253 years! (and more)
  3. I wish that planning the week meals was fun.
  4. I wish that I could see my friends more often.
  5. I wish I could have gone to Gym Day today... oh well...
  6. I wish I could sing beautifully.
  7. I wish I could get some inspiration on K.o.D..
  8. I wish that Inkdeath (the third in the Ink series by Cornelia Funke) was in my hands right now!!!
  9. I wish that I had Dark Whispers (the third in the Unicorn Chronicles by Bruce Coville--a most wonderful author) in my hands right after I finished reading Inkdeath.
  10. I wish that I will have a most wonderful life... I'm doing pretty good on fulfilling that wish so far :)



persimmon said...

I think your unwritten wish to go shopping and see a movie is about to come true.

Galaxy said...

Now THAT seems like a LOT of fun! What movie? Spider Wick? Well, whatever movie, I'll be counting days!

persimmon said...

how about sunday?

persimmon said...

BTW, happy February only comes around once every four years. I call it my lucky day...still waiting for the luck today, though.

Galaxy said...

Happy February 29th to you. Hope your luck comes around soon!