It's time for Tuesday Tips! (let's see if I remember next week!)
- Don't put things off. They'll only come back to haunt you.
- If you get angry at some one, (like your sister) just walk away for a bit. Take a couple deep breathes. Count to ten. I know that half of your mind is screaming: GEEEEET HEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, but remember, if you listen, you'll probably end up apologizing. After you count to ten, go back to her. Talk it through, don't get so angry you start claiming you own the bedroom walls(seriously, that's happened)... and if you still are angry after the ten counting, then you must have a good reason to be, and talk it through anyway. You'll feel better afterwards.
- Pay attention to what the little folk (baby siblings) say. Don't just blindly say, "Okay, whatever. Really? That's cool." it's likely they'll either start screaming or doing something you said was alright (remember that blind 'okay'?) that could seriously damage something--or even worse, them.
- Don't live in the past, but learn from it.
- Don't wait for the future, but plan for it.
- And ENJOY the present. It's now, so for goodness sake have some fun!
What does number one mean? I didn't really understand it.
Let's say you have to write a review of a book (like I do), but then you say: I'll just do that tomorrow! And tomorrow you say: I'll just wait one more day! And then the next day you say: Maybe later...
#1 says not to do that. Like I did. Hehe.
Get it now?
I guess...
we have snow today covering the ground, the trees, the road - sticking April 20, 2008.
This weather is freaky! It's 80 degrees, it's snowing, it's 65 degrees, it's hailing, it's 72 degrees, it's raining!
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