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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Why haven't I been posting?

The answer's rather simple: My fams been sick (I have been spared, thank goodness!) and dear Mommy has been hit the worst... Rosi and Brother1 got hit rather bad, but they've gotten over it mostly. Brother2 has it as well, but he's doing much better than he has been... it was so sad seeing a little baby like that!
Anyway, that's one reason... the main one is that I've been having problems thinking of something to post! (as I'm sure you've guessed)

So what's been up with me? Rose and I are writing a musical and we're really excited about it! (if only we could think of what it's about!) Kings of Darkness is coming along... slowly, I've been going to ballet regularly, and I went to my second class of Salsa/Swing dance Thursday. Life has been pretty good, I just wish the fam wasn't so sick...

Well... until next post!


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