- Daddy stays home!
- We usually have a really wonderful breakfast! (today I made some Blueberry Muffins and Eggless Omlettes)
- We don't have to go anywhere unless we want to!
- We normally play games and just hang out with each other!
- It's just a grand day that we use for family time!
That's why I love Sunday... the most fabulous day of the week. Yes... there is nothing better than a nice Sunday day.
On a different note, in this fabulous gift Grandma Janie gave me (The Daring Book For Girls... one time Daddy saw it and asked, "What should I do with The Darling Book For Girls?" It was sooo funny! Whenever we see that book we tease him about it) it had some stuff on Yoga--the Sun Salutation to be exact. I learned it yesturday, and it's not that bad... except that Dear Sister was teasing me about it and just refused to even try it! It was the first thing I did this morning after I got up, and it was actually kind of relaxing.
Well, that's all the main happenings of Sunday so far... happy Sunday to you!
la-ti da ti di.
Hi to you!
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