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Thursday, February 7, 2008

What a meeting...

Here in my neiborhood we have CC&Rs/Home Owners Association... Once a year they have a meeting. In the ten years we've lived here, we've never gone.

Recently, a lot of people haven't been happy with the Home Owners Association, and there has been a lot of action going on... This year, my entire family and I all went to the meeting so we could understand what was going on.

Big mistake.

You wouldn't believe the hostility there was. One person from the Board (the people in charge of the Association) had just started to talk when a lady got out of her seat and started jabbing her finger at him and saying things that we couldn't hear from our seat. Then a lot people started clapping and going 'yeah! yeah!' in the end, the entire Board had to leave, and this woman who kept yelling 'Go to the press! Go to the press!' went up as well as a much more sensible woman, but everyone kept yelling and talking at once... it was like a movie! Or watching Judge Joe Brown (not that actually watch or like that show, but I have seen it a couple of times on TV)...

Anyway, absloutely nothing was occomplished and Dear Sister, Brother1, Brother2 and I were the only kids there so I didn't meet any new kids or make any new friends... In the end, we all decided to go home and rent the fifth movie of Harry Potter and eat cookies--a very tempting alternative!




Rose said... sad.

Rose said...

We really got nothing done...

Galaxy said...


Anonymous said...

Hi- Karen sent me the link to your blog. What a fantastic writer you are! I almost felt like I was at the meeting myself. I will definitely be back to see what more you post! Sonia

Galaxy said...

Thank you!