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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Semper Fidelis

As you might remember from this post, I'm attempting to learn Latin. I'm starting to grasp the grammar (which is rather confusing since you could say the words in almost any order you could possibly want) and learned quite a few words... I'm even getting to more complex sentences, such as these ones*....

Puella est portat aquam ad agricolam.

The girl is carrying water to the farmer.

Here's another one....

Nauta est navigat (the 'v' sounds like a 'w') circum (the 'c' sounds like a 'k') insulas (the 'i' like the 'ee' in sweet) ad patria.

The sailor is sailing around the islands to the homeland.

I've been trying to write a song in this forgotten tongue, but it's rather hard... I've got something of a melody, but it's a little repetitious and boring, and if you are going to write a song in a different language that no one can understand, the melody had better be pretty darn beautiful and exciting. Maybe I'll post it up when it's done....

Anyways, my Grandparents (on Daddy's side) have come down so I'm very excited to see them! They came and visited yesterday (with some awesome toy trucks they had made by hand for both brothers , and a couple pretty boxes and two necklaces they had made for Dear Sister and I), but we should get together again soon!

And why did I call this post Semper Fidelis? 'Cause it's a Latin phrase (meaning "always faithful") that I think sounds absolutely beautiful, and it's the name of my song.


*Please note that I composed these sentences in proper English order in case you wanted to translate them. Also note that there is no 'a', 'an', or 'the' in the Latin language, so you have to add it in yourself, and that there are also little marky thingys that go above some letters in some words that I am unable to add since I am using blogger to write this.


Froggy said...

I see you changed your profile description! Latin sounds like fun!

Galaxy said...

What do you think? Yes, it is!

Jessica B said...

Hey, thanks for all the great comments, I love your blog!

Galaxy said...

Your's is awesome too :-)

Froggy said...

It's pretty cool! Good!