Thanks Giving Menu
BREAKFAST: Pumpkin Cinnabons or French Toast
DINNER: Tofurky w/ Stuffing/Mashed Potatoes w/ Gravy/Bread Rolls and/or Pumpkin Biscuits/Corn/Fruit Salad/Pecan Loaf/Craisin Salad
DESERT: Pumpkin Pie/Pudding-Parfait/Cookies/Ice Cream
BEVERAGES: 'Egg' Nog/Water/Sparkling Apple Cider
NOTE: Everything we are eating is completely Vegan--except honey of course.
Actually, honey is vegan. It's not as though it's made from BEEEEEEE guts. It's a combo of things...pollen and water and digestive enzymes...
We went to the farm and bought a giant jar of honey. It's not as messy as the little plastic bear honey or the stuff Fred Meyer's sells in the health department - I think it comes from a local apiary...that means bee place. I think. Darn, have to look that up. I was right!
Here's a lesson in word usage, one of the most common mistakes:
Affect/effect...which one when?
Affect starts with A for Action = verb. Her opinion about food didn't affect my appetite.
Effect is most often a noun.
The effects of chicken pox were short-lived.
When is affect a noun and effect a verb?
Effect as verb: "it is usually suffixed by -ed, and takes an object. The election at last effected the change the people had been hoping for.”
Affect as noun: A person’s affect, which refers to their mood or mental state. The patient exhibited a flat affect, responding to no stimuli.
Hi, this is Qacei's mom. I LOVE your blog. Your ballet picture is so pretty. I'd love to see more. Keep on writing!
PS I didn't realize you guys were vegan. Cool!
You can count that I'll keep writing... I've only been blogging for about a month, and it's really cool!
We've been vegan for a long time now and love it. There's some REALLY good food out there.
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