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Thursday, December 27, 2007

'Wednesday' Wishes

In the after Christmas excitement I forgot about Wednesday Wishes! So here's Thursday Wishes:

1: I wish I could fly.
2: I wish my whole family could feel young and healthy for their entire lives!
3: I wish that the little sprouts (see earlier post) will grow big and strong.
4: I wish that I had the Sims 2 Free Time
5: I wish I had a job.
6: I wish that in the future Kings of Darkness will become as big of a hit as Harry Potter.
7: I wish that there were more good movies out there.
8: I wish that all the books and movies I'm waiting to come out were in my home finished and fabulous.
9: I wish that my whole family lived in the state of Oregon.
10: I wish for new years day to be WONDERFUL!


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