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Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween '08--Part #1

So I got out of bed around 10:00 today, though I was awake much earlier. Mostly, we've just eaten breakfast and worked on our Costumes. Rose's is really cool, and I'd tell you what it was, but she asked me not to. You'll have to check her blog sometime soon to find out, I guess.

As for me, I'm probably just going to be Anne Boleyn, and not her ghost... it just ended up that way. We're working on making a headpiece, but I already have the perfect dress. The Neckline is just like what they wore!
As for jewelry, I have some fake pearls (she wore real ones) I don't have any gold chains (something else I've seen in her pictures) so some goldy-greeny necklace (that is very lovely, by the way) that goes with my dress will do.

Daddy should be coming home from work at around 3:15, which I'm very excited about! Halloween is going to be so fun!


1 comment:

Froggy said...

I hope it was fun!