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Monday, December 17, 2007

I now invent Wednesday Wishes!

(For some reason it says that this post was posted on Monday, but it is Wednesday that I did this post F.Y.I.)

Wednesday Wishes is where (shocker) we write the ten things we are wishing for this very day.

1: I wish that we could go to Gym Day today, but Dear Sister isn't feeling well, and honestly neither am I. Plus, it doesn't seem like that many people are going to be there.
2: I wish I could get the picture of me at the top of my blog to work right.
3: I wish I could fly.
4: I wish I could finish Kings of Darkness before the new year.
I wish that I could have a little cubbie I could go into without being claustrophobic.
6: I wish that Grandma Janie and Aunt Katie will love the presents we give them for their Birthdays!
7: I wish I had a job.
8: I wish I could get a lead role in a play.
9: I wish I could play that T.N.G. game I got on my birthday but haven't gotten to play.
10: I wish that Mommy and Daddy would come to see me dance this Friday.

I'm pretty sure that's it... You can now expect this every Wednesday.



persimmon said...

Oh...wednesday wishes! It's thursday; I will have to wait until next week! darn

Galaxy said...

I will wait!

Casey Moonshadow said...

What is wrong with your picture? Maybe I can help.

Galaxy said...

Technical stuff... It only showed the bottom half so I took it off the top. Any help would be much obliged!

Galaxy said...

Oh, it was on the header... I meant took it off the top of my blog, in case you were confused.