There's a whole Galaxy of stuff on the right, don't be scared to explore it!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday Thanks #2

It's time for Thursday Thanks!

1: I am thankful that I have such a wonderful family.
2: I am thankful that I have a computer.
3: I am thankful that I can go to the library to day!
4: I am thankful that I have the inspiration to write Kings Of Darkness.
5: I am thankful that I live in this age, at this time.
6: I am thankful that I have such wonderful friends.
7: I am thankful I got to see Qacei on that most wonderful Saturday at Sunny Side Up.
8: I am thankful I can read.
9: I am thankful I have found the things I love to do--Ballet and Acting--at such a young age.
10: I am thankful that I have food at my table.
11: I am thankful that I am Vegan.
12: I am thankful that I am ALIVE.

So many wonderful things to give thanks for... Oh, what a good life!


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cool Picture

I was bored yesterday. Really bored. So I asked Dear Sister to dress up and model for me. She did a couple of poses and this one looks really nice. I took it on Print Shop (version #22) and did a but of work on it, it's kinda cool, isn't it? I like how her hair looks a little green. The hard part was doing the background... I'm just glad that this isn't a picture of ME. I can never get a good shot of me when I try to!
Here's the done up picture (it doesn't have a name...yet):

So, what do you think?


Apple Again

Yes, another post about that wonderful apple tree Dear Sister and I planted... She sure is getting bigger! I remember when we were sprout Apple's seed... (sigh) Anyway, I hope she will produce good fruit!

Here's a picture of Apple:

Well... that's about all I have to say about my little apple tree!


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Go to this link

Nothing more can be said besides this tiny three letter word followed by many exclamation points: NOW!!!!!!!!!

Virtual Barbershop

The Snow Chair (and more)

Yes, when it snowed last Dear Sister, Brother1 and I all made a snow chair! Here are some Pics of the most wonderful snow chair--and of the little snow girl we made as well. (F.Y.I., there was a lot more snow, but the area around the snow chair and snow girl is almost snowless because we were scraping the ground for snow to make them!)

Here's a picture of the snow chair plain.

Here's a picture of the adorable boy known as Brother1 and that wonderful girl known as Dear Sister in the snow chair

Here is a picture of me in the snow chair

And here's a picture of the tiny snow girl we built--her name is Samantha

I would have posted a picture of all of us in the snow chair, but uh... it's kind of hard to take pictures of yourself and two other people! The funny thing is, almost all the snow is melted, but the snow chair and Samantha the snow girl are still there!


Sunday, January 27, 2008

I guess I am very lucky this year...*

Yes, its snowing! I woke up at about 9:00 and rolled over to look out the window. It was snowing. And not just any snow, it looked like a snow globe out there! Then I woke Dear Sister up. I was looking out our back door and I saw that there was a lot of snow on my poor, poor, trees Laura and Joy. So I don't even put a jacket on and use mommy's shoes to go outside and rescue my trees. The snow is a little mooshy... really mooshy... It probably won't stick that long, but it was a very beautiful sight. Hopefully Dear Sister and I can play in it.

*If you don't get the title of this post, see this one

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Spontaneity and Life MIX

Really, it's true. Planning things out can be good in some situations, but life and spontaneity really go together well.

Today I had to be at ballet at 11:50... My alarm was going off for a while and I hit the 'snooze' button many times before I finally dragged myself out at 8:15ish. I got up and checked some of my favorite blogs (you know, Normal Is SO Last Week, Me In General (Dear Sister's blog), and Inky Paws), then I typed Kings Of Darkness for who-knows-how-long and got to page #87--I'll post you when I reach 100... I'd describe May Peterson's (my main character) situation, but it wouldn't make any sense unless you've already read the rest of the book... for a quick sneak peek, check out this post.
Anyway, after a while of typing, Daddy gets up. He comes over and asks if I could hold Brother2 while he takes a shower. I say sure and ask what's for breakfast. Daddy says he would really like it if I could make muffins, so in the end I have them ready just in time to get out the door! I have a particularly good class at ballet while Daddy and the rest of my clan (as Brother1 would put it) 'Walk 'round town' and Mommy stops at "Sunny Side Up" to have a brunch with other homeschooling Moms. After ballet daddy and my sibs pick me up and we go over to meet mommy. All of us go in and sit down with the rest of them and I get to see a really great friend of mine I haven't seen in--a quick glance at the eon scale on my watch--eons! We talk a lot and play with one of the little girls there. Dear Sister, Qacei (the friend I haven't seen in eons) and I talk and talk as well as join in on the grown up conversations and have a wonderful time! After which we agree we just need to get together!
After this perfectly wonderful time we just have to do more! As it turns out, we heard someone talking about a free tea-tasting thing, and we go over to borders and make it fifteen minutes before the free-tea stopped. I tried my very first caffeinated tea, we tried two different types and I liked the Chai the best... the creamy part on top was divine, I tell you, divine!
After the tea we find that we're all starving... what to do? how about Nearly Normals? No... Dear Sister does not want to go there at the moment. So after a lot of thought, we decided to go the the Pita Pit (though Brother1 wanted a Sun Burger, so we took one to-go) and ate in the car. After that we're all fed and happy and really would like to go see someone. We decide since we're in the area it would be nice to see some old friends we haven't seen in two and a half years!!! We give 'em a call and agree to come over soon... but not before stopping by the store and buying a package of sandwich creams (a lot like oreos only better) and Chocolate Soy Milk--no way! Now we go to see our friends. There we see their new twins--who are absolutely adorable--a boy and a girl who are about a year old now. Me and Dear Sister played with their older daughter--a long time friend of mine.
After that we're all really tired and start driving home. Now we're here. Nothing in this day was planned--not including the date at "Sunny Side Up" and ballet. So here I am typing with a smile on my face. Life is really good, and your middle finger is sore from scrolling down so much on this ridiculously long post, but hey, life is still really good.

That's one thing for sure.


Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday Fill Ins #1

1: Playing with family makes me so happy.
2: I would like something really yummy, please.
3: Cake tastes so good!
4: Sunday is my favorite day of the week because daddy stays home and all my family can hang out with nothing to do but play!
My eyebrows are my best feature.
6: We could learn so much from our history and the bible (even if you aren't a Christian, it's worth reading; there are a lot of lessons hidden within the many stories, seriously!).
7: And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to writing like mad on Kings of Darkness, and playing Uru (a computer game) with my entire family; tomorrow my plans include waking up early, playing sims, going to ballet, playing games, writing Kings of Darkness, and again playing Uru; and Sunday I'm going to (maybe) write Kings of Darkness, and do whatever I can to enjoy the day!

Well, that is something called 'Friday Fill Ins'. You're supposed to go to this link and fill in the blanks.


Thursday, January 24, 2008


There is nothing more magical than snow, besides magic itself. Snow is sooo beautiful... it's the rarest weather down here; if we're lucky, we get it once a year, and if we're very lucky, we might get it twice. Today was the day. Today it snowed!!!

I was watching some TV when a weather guy popped up and said:
" people down in ???? are getting snow..." that's all I can remember.
It's not snowing! I thought. I looked out the window, just to be sure.
It was.
I ran to the kitchen where mommy was making dinner.
"It's snowing! It's snowing!"
She doesn't think I'm right. We looked out our back door. There it was... falling gloriously... like a blanket of ice it covered the ground... We immediately got dressed in our snow close and Dear Sister, Brother1 and I went out to play! We had a marvelous time complete with snow ball fights, snow eating, mini avalanches, a snow man (who ended up falling apart so Dear Sister and I split his head and see-sawed instead), snow angles, and absolute snow beauty! I feel so wonderfully happy that I got to see the beauty of snow this year! Please come again soon, Snow!

Galaxy :o)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday Wishes #6

Hello, this is Galaxy! It is now time for my sixth issue of Wednesday Wishes:

1: I wish that Kings Of Darkness will be as big of a hit as Harry Potter(I know, I know, I've wished this a million times, but this is something I really want!)
2: I wish to find a really good illustrator for my book Kings Of Darkness.
3: I wish that I will finish Kings Of Darkness before 2009.
4: I wish that I could have inspiration whenever I wanted it and it wouldn't take me forever just to write one page of my story!
5: I wish that I had The Sims 2 Free Time (yes, in case you didn't know, I'm a simadict)
6: I wish Dear Sister would let me try to sketch her.
7: I wish that my friends will love the D&D Adventure (see post 'Dungeons and Dragons') that I put together! (last time we play we only did one third of it)
8: I wish I could Shape Shift.
9: I wish that there were more days of the week (provided of course, that Daddy gets to stay home more days too)
10: I wish for everyone in this world would have wonderfully happy lives!



Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Jacuzzi Time!

Yes, you read that right, this post is titled 'Jacuzzi Time', even though it's in the middle of winter. What happened was this:

I went to meet some friends to fiddle around with some electronics, so Dear Sister, Mommy, Brother1 and Brother2 all had to go out in the freezing cold and find something to do. Well, they decided to go to the park, and practically froze to death. So, Dear Sister said (yes, Rose, I know that this isn't exactly what you said):
"Why don't we go in a hot tub? You could make us some smoothies and we wouldn't be cold!"
Mommy laughed, but then realized we still had that birthing pool she had used for a home birth with Brother2 (which was actually really nice, we played hang man while she was in labor, seriously), then she suggested that they could fill it up with some hot hot water and we could all hang out in it. They liked that idea.
Anyway, they came and picked me up, we went home, and they told me about it. At first I think their joking, I mean, it's just too good to be true. then next thing I know Daddy's home and setting up the birthing pool! Mommy made some divine vegan parfait and we watched T.V. while we soaked in the luxuriating warmth and ate delicious treats.

All in all, it was some party!

Galaxy :o)

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I know it doesn't really fall into the 'Masterpiece' category, but it's the best picture I've ever drawn. Daddy was looking through YouTube when he found this video called 'Sketching A Face: The Basic Proportions'. We watched it and it was amazing. Inspired, I drew a couple of faces after watching it, and this one is the one that really stands out. I've never drawn a face this good before, though it isn't really that good. It's made me quite happy with myself and convinced me that I actually could learn to draw, a task I gave up long ago. Mommy and Daddy both agree that my guy looks like a '50s man, but I have no idea what to call Him! Any ideas?


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wednesday Wishes #5

It's time for Wednesday Wishes!

1: I wish everyone in the entire world was perfectly happy.
2: I wish that all my family lived no more that fifteen minutes away.
3: I wish that the D&D adventure I planned (see post 'Dungeons and Dragons') will be absolutely fabulous! (we're meeting this Friday!)
4: I wish that I could go to the library soon right now.
5: I wish I could go swimming.
6: I wish Kings Of Darkness will be just as big as a hit as Harry Potter!
7: I wish that I will be as close with my two brothers as they get older as I am close with my sister! (which is pretty darn close)
8: I wish that you would go check out my Book Blog if you haven't already because it's really neat!
9: I wish I had some cute hats I could wear when I have to put my hair in a bun before ballet because I hate wearing a bun; it makes me feel waaaaaaaaayy too serious!
10: I wish that you enjoy reading my blog!

I don't really have that many wishes this week... Just goes to show you how happy I am! What a great life...

Whoever you are, you're awesome!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Kandahar--Wanting What You've Got

This is a really cool thing Mommy showed me on Zenmomma's Blog.

1: Click here, the headline will be the name of your band. (note, if it says something like: 'Airport Kandahar', you can shorten it to 'Kandahar'.

2: Click here, the last four lines of the last quote will be your album's name.

3: Click here, the third picture will be the cover of your album!

I really had a blast doing this! It was such great fun! My band's name is Kandahar, and my album's name is Wanting What You've Got. Below is the picture I got--with a little work from printshop just to add the name of my band and the album.

Don't forget to post it (if you have a blog, that is)!


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons (a.k.a. D&D) is a really fun game. Every once in a while Dear Sister and I meet up with three of our friends and just play it at our house. I really love D&D because your on this journey, a journey that can last a lifetime! Here's basically how D&D goes:

You take a 'Character Sheet' and fill it out, you name them, decide your race, (elf, half-ork, half-elf, human, halfling, gnome... etc. etc.). Prior to this, the one who has been decided as the DM (Dungeon Master) thinks out an adventure, plans it, adds monsters to fight, and all other sorts of things. Then we all get together and play the adventure with our characters! It's sooo much fun! You can have your characters go on all sorts of adventures. My character is a half-elf named Miranda. After playing for a while, you can level up and gain more skills, and all sorts of cool things. It's really a fun game. Hopefully this Friday I should be able to play it... it's my turn to be the DM! I've worked really hard and come up with my adventure, it's pretty cool! It has bunches of treasure... magical items... all sorts of fun stuff! I'd post it, but I don't want Dear Sister to read it, she always reads my blog!


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Alarming Alarm

For some strange reason my alarm hasn't been going off, which is really bad because I had to make it to ballet early this morning(well, not that early). I was really looking forwards to waking up early today... Of course, my alarm didn't go off and Daddy woke me up a little after 10:00... I barely had enough time to take a shower, get my ballet stuff on, put my hair up, eat breakfast, and brush my teeth before we had to rush out to the door! (big sigh) Oh well... At least I didn't miss ballet. I hope that I'll find out what on earth is going on with my alarm before I sleep in (and if no one wakes me up, I will) when I absolutely must get up!

Galaxy :-)

Friday, January 11, 2008

Galaxy the 'Ghost'

Dear Sister and I* edited a picture of me to try and make me look like a ghost. I think we* did a pretty good job, don't you think? I mean, I would never really believe it was a picture of a real ghost, but hey, it looks kind of cool! I helped* with the process of changing the brightness, gamma, color, and all that other stuff that has to do with ghost picture making in our house. It's not much to post about, but I think it looks really neat and wanted to show the world Dear Sister's and my* work!


*Note to reader, the entire picture making process was done by Rose, the wonderful sister of Galaxy. All that Galaxy did in this production was change a bit of the brightness so you could see that she was smiling. All credit goes to Rose no matter what that silly Galaxy tries to pull.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Apple, the Apple Tree

Remember the seeds that Dear Sister and I planted? Well, this is the only apple seed that grew... Rose got to name her because she was the one who planted her, but I get to keep Apple when I grow up and plant her in my house. She really is growing! I can't wait 'till ten years have passed and I can actually find out if she can produce edible (and yummy) apples!

Thursday Thanks

Today's the day where I write out my Thanks! It's an idea from my blogging friend 'Froggy'. I'm going to do one 'Thanks' for every year of my life--that's my idea.

1: I am very thankful for all of my adorable and beautiful and kind and loving and fun and perfect siblings!
2: I'm so happy that I found the things that makes me truly happy: ballet and acting... Not every girl gets to find her dreams at all... let alone before she has grown...
3: I am also thankful for my most wonderful father who has always brought me such joy and laughter and I wouldn't trade him for anything!
4: I'm so happy that I have my fantastic mother who makes me smile and laugh and who always takes such good care of me.
5: I am so thankful that I have such a wonderful relationship with my sister, 'Rose'. I've heard a lot about how girls don't get along with their younger sister... Me and Dear Sister get into argument about who loves the other more!
6: I am wonderfully happy that I live in a comfortable house, with a comfortable bed, and a computer.
7: I am so happy that I have friends who really care for me and are absolutely wonderful people.
8: I am so happy to know that I live in the land of the free, the home of the brave... where the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people.
9: I am so grateful to have food to eat, and delicious food at that!
10: I am so happy to have found the things out about Veganism that I did, and to know that I am helping the world and myself by not eating animal carcasses and the milk for their children.
11: I am very grateful that I have been born now, in this age and era.
12: And last, but not least, I am so grateful that I have had the chance to walk this earth, to know the people I know, to be born into this loving family, to have learned what I have learned, to have been home-schooled, to have been loved, to have had a family that adores me and cares for me, and I am grateful, that I am happy.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wednesday Wishes #4

It's time for Wednesday Wishes!

1: I wish that Brother1 could help himself set up computer games.
2: I wish that my eyes were just a little brighter of a green.
3: I wish that I could read all the books I'm waiting to come out RIGHT NOW.
4: I wish I had a book to read.
5: I wish for ideas in what to do next in Kings Of Darkness!
6: I wish that the Pita Pit will be as good today as it was last time I went there.
7: I wish that I could shape-shift.
8: I wish that I had 100,000 dollars!
9: I wish that I could get a lead in a play.
10: I wish that the whole world was happy and perfect!!!

Wishing all your wishes true,


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Resturaunt Review: The Pita Pit

Rating Notes: 10 being the best ever, 0 being the worst.

Corvallis, Oregon.

One guy was working at the cash register, and the other was waiting to make pitas, he didn't touch any money. When they started making the pitas, the one who had been working on the cash register went and washed his hands, then put on gloves! The other man put on gloves too. Then, they used their gloved hands to put the vegetables that we ordered in the pitas!
Cleanliness Rating: 9

The pitas where wonderful, and the vegetables in it were exquisite. The men working their folded the pitas in such a way that every bite had every single vegetable!
Food Rating: 8

There were two men working there, and they were polite, respectful and very nice. I really enjoyed being there and they were very helpful with everything.
Staff Rating: 9

Price Rating:

Now, the Pita Pit isn't really a sit-and-eat place, it's more for to-go food, however, they do have a couple of tables and about ten chairs, we did have to move them around, but they were comfortable enough.
Seating Rating: 4

Notes: The Pita Pit was a very nice place to be, the food proportions were just perfect, the people were nice, helpful, and cleanly, the food was great, and all in all it was a spectacular experience.
Overall Rating: 9

Recommendations: Their falafels are great!

In other words, if you're hungry, and you're in Corvallis, GO THERE NOW!


Holes is an excellent book. You have to read it. Go to the library and rent. Now.

I've said before that I love fantasy, I'm not sure if I said I lived and breathed it though, hence, I don't really care for any other type of book. It's different with Holes. I love Holes.

There are three different stories in it, two short ones, and one long one. The long one is the main story, about Stanley Yelnats, the first short one is about Elya Yelnats, Stanley's Great-Great-Grandfather, this part of the book Holes isn't really necessary, but it does add a wonderful element... by the end of the story, you wonder, 'Was there ever really a curse? Or was it just a coincidence?'... The second short story is 120 years in the past and is about Katherine Barlow, who becomes Kissin' Kate, the outlaw... This one is really sad, but it is essential to explaining the plot of the main story, with Stanley.

The whole book is just linked together in a beautiful masterpiece... It really blew me away. I started it late last night, I couldn't stop until Dear Sister made me turn the light off. I finished it this morning. It was just really amazing... I absolutely loved Holes. And that's saying something for someone who is reluctant to start reading anything other than fantasy.


Friday, January 4, 2008

Sooo Freaky...

My hair has always been stick strait. Always. It has never been anything else and whenever I tried to curl it, it would fight for dear life! But, just after mom cut my hair a little, it's wavy! And I mean WAVY! It was sooooooo freaky! I really don't get it. The other weird thing is that no one else here seems to think it's that weird, maybe it isn't, but it's my hair that has been the same all my life and now it's changing and that's scary enough for me! How can this be??? It wasn't even like it grew out wavy, it just was. Not that I mind it, it actually looks rather pretty, it's just a little weird...


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wednesday Wishes #3

It's time for Wednesday Wishes!

1: I wish that I had the Spiderwick Chronicles movie.
2: I wish that I had the movie Inkheart
3: I wish that Kings Of Darkness will be as big of a hit as Harry Potter.
4: I wish that I will finish Kings before 2009.
5: I wish that I had a party I could go to.
6: I wish that I had some kind of magical power.
7: I wish that there were magical creatures in the world...
8: I wish that Apple (my baby apple tree) will grow up big and strong and make wonderful fruit!
9: I wish that I'll be able to go on a play date with my friend Audrey soon.
10: I wish I had the next book in the Inheritance series.

That's all my wishes for now!

Happy new year!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

I'm so excited to start the new year! I can't wait to find out what wonderful stuff this year will hold.

On my first resolution...

I'm really going to get working on Kings Of Darkness! I've actually come up with a lot of really cool ideas for my book with lots of twists in the plot and interesting betrayals and truths... But I can't put most of them in until the next book in the series! I really want to make my book different from the average, which I think I'm succeeding in though it does has a similar feel to Eragon and Eldest (two of my favorite books)... One thing I'm really curious about is weather or not to add magical creatures to this fantasy book... I'm page #56 (I know... I know... I write really slow...) and I haven't put in any magical beings or creatures, but I often wonder if I should go over it again and add some... Another dilemma is if I should make Glorsifil (the land where all this takes place) America way before the colonists found it or a completely different world... Right now I have it as America in the past, but I'm seriously considering changing it.

On my other resolution...

I'm going to take a Baby-Sitting class some time this month so I can get a job... I really need to figure out how much I'm going to charge in order to baby-sit... That really is the hardest part.

Happy New Year!!!
