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Sunday, January 20, 2008


I know it doesn't really fall into the 'Masterpiece' category, but it's the best picture I've ever drawn. Daddy was looking through YouTube when he found this video called 'Sketching A Face: The Basic Proportions'. We watched it and it was amazing. Inspired, I drew a couple of faces after watching it, and this one is the one that really stands out. I've never drawn a face this good before, though it isn't really that good. It's made me quite happy with myself and convinced me that I actually could learn to draw, a task I gave up long ago. Mommy and Daddy both agree that my guy looks like a '50s man, but I have no idea what to call Him! Any ideas?



Anonymous said...

I'm thinking 'Glen'

Galaxy said...

Why Glen? Just curious. It does sound cool, though.

Rose said...

You know, some of the lines look invisable and you have to click on it make it big to actually see them...just thought I would let you know...

Anonymous said...

I don't know why... and dear Rose, I think it may be the settings on the screen you were viewing? Because I can see all the lines without making it larger.

Galaxy said...

Okay. I'll name it that because I have no other ideas, and it does sound cool. Do you think I should post my other drawing, the one I did after it and you like better?


persimmon said...

That's a really good drawing. Keep up the good work. How bout drawing a picture of your sister!

Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Galaxy said...

Thanks! I'm not sure if I'm ready to draw real people though... yet.



persimmon said...

Oh yes, you're ready. You drew that guy; you can draw your sis...I KNOW it! Now go for it. It's late tonight; how about tomorrow!

persimmon said...

Wow, just saw your animated YOU...that is fabulous - your blog is AMAZING...good work, Galaxy.

Froggy said...

That's a nice picture, Galaxy!

Galaxy said...

Thanks! Both of you! I'll give Rose a shot... I've just been having trouble drawing girls for some strange reason.

Rose said...

NUUHH-UH!!! NOT drawing me!