Yes, when it snowed last Dear Sister, Brother1 and I all made a snow chair! Here are some Pics of the most wonderful snow chair--and of the little snow girl we made as well. (F.Y.I., there was a lot more snow, but the area around the snow chair and snow girl is almost snowless because we were scraping the ground for snow to make them!)
Here's a picture of the snow chair plain.
Here's a picture of the adorable boy known as Brother1 and that wonderful girl known as Dear Sister in the snow chair
Here is a picture of me in the snow chair
And here's a picture of the tiny snow girl we built--her name is Samantha
I would have posted a picture of all of us in the snow chair, but uh... it's kind of hard to take pictures of yourself and two other people! The funny thing is, almost all the snow is melted, but the snow chair and Samantha the snow girl are still there!
Oh my gosh, that stressed me out so much seeing your poor little bare hands out there in the freezing snow and then I realized you took your gloves off to take pictures, phew!
Great pictures!
Sorry to worry you Mommy! Thanks!
Actually, it was a snow man...doesn't really matter though...
I thought we agreed it was a snow girl, and I thought we were naming her Samantha? How did I confuse that? Please explain.
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Our snow is already melted. Now it's just raining again.
Yeah... the snow's melted here too--I posted this a little late... he he. But yes, we had a marvelous time! I just love the snow!
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